5-Hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5 – HTP)


Catalog Number: H001
Chemical Name: L-2-Amino-3-(5-hydroxyindolyl)propionic acid; or L-5-HTP
Botanical Source: Griffonia Simplicifolia (DC.) Baillon Seeds
Molecular  Formula: C11H12N2O35HTP_griffonia-simplicifolia
Molecular  Weight: 220.22
CAS Number: 4350-09-8
Purity: 99% determined by HPLC
Appearance: Off-white fine powder
Melting Temperature: 256 – 257 °C
Storage Temperature: 4 – 8°C
Solubility: 50 mg/mL in 0.5 M HCL water 25 mg/mL in ethanol
Other Features: Light sensitive

Catalog #
Price (USD)
100 mg
250 mg
1 g
5 g
10 g
25 g

Pharmacological Actions: 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) exists at low concentration in the mammalian brain serving as the precursor to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) (1). It has been used to treat depression (3-4). It improves Parkinson-like symptoms (1) related to depression (5). It has been used successfully in the prevention of chronic headaches of various types including migraine, tension headaches and juvenile headaches (6). It enhances sleep (7), relieves anxiety and symptoms of seasonal affective disorders. It suppresses appetite (8-11). 5-HTP supplementation results in decreased food intake and subsequent weight loss (9,11,12).


1. Bell EA and Janzen DH (1971) Medical and Ecological Considerations of L-Dopa and 5-HTP in Seeds. Nature 229, 136-137.

2. Sano I (1972) L-5-Hydroxxytryptophan (L-5-HTP) Therapy. Floia Psychiatr Neurol Jpn 26, 7-17.

3. Takahashi S, Kondo H and Kato N (1975) Effect of  -5-Hydroxytryptophan on Brain Monoamine Metabolism and Evaluation of Its Clinical Effect in Depressed Patients. J Psychiatric Res 12, 177-118.

4. Nakajima T, Kudo Y, Kaneko Z (1978) Clinical Evaluation of 5-hydroxy-L-Tryptophan as An Antidepressant Drug. Folia Psychiatr Neurol Jpn 32, 223-230.

5. Mayeux R, Stern Y, Sano M, Williams JB, Cote LJ (1988) The Relationship of Serotonin to Depression in Parkinson’s Disease. Mov Disord 3, 237-244.

6. Birdsall TC (1998) 5-Hydroxytryptophan: A Clinically-effective Serotonin Precursor. Altern Med Rev 3, 271-280.

7. Bruni O, Ferri R, Miano S and Verrillo E (2004) L -5-Hydroxytryptophan Treatment of Sleep Terrors in Children. Eur J Pediatr 163, 402-407.

8. Amer A, Breu J, McDermott J, Wurtman RJ and Maher TJ (2004) 5-Hydroxy- -tryptophan Suppresses Food Intake in Food-deprived and Stressed Rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 77, 137-143.

9. Cangiano C, Ceci F, Cascino A, Del Ben M, Laviano A, Muscaritoli M, et al. (1992) Eating Behavior and Adherence to Dietary Prescriptions in Obese Adult Subjects Treated with 5-Hydroxytryptophan. Am J Clin Nutr  56, 863-867.

10. Cangiano C, Laviano A, Del Ben M, Preziosa F, Angelico F, Cascino A, et al. (1998) Effects of Oral 5-Hydroxy-tryptophan on Energy Intake and Macronutrient Selection in Non-insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients. Int J Obes Relat Metab Dis  22, 648-654.

11. Ceci F, Cairella M, Cascino A, Del Ben M, Muscaritoli M, Sibilia L, et al. (1989) The Effects of Oral 5-HydroxytryptophanAdministration on Feeding Behavior in Obese Adult Female Subjects. J Neural Transm 76, 109-117.

12. Cangiano C, Ceci F, Cairella M,et al. (1991) Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptophan on Eating Behavior and Adherence to Dietary Prescriptions in Obese Adult Subjects. Adv Exp Med Bio 294, 541-593.